高耐食性グラス(High corrosion resistance) 200 SERIES
視認性の良いSky Blue カラーが標準仕様となります。
It is a standard glass lining that good at balance.
The “200 SERIES” can be applied to any process because it is
excellent acid resistance, water resistance and alkali resistance.
Sky Blue color with good visibility is a standard specification.
ステンレス用グラス(Glass for stainless steel) 400 SERIES
耐食性及び物理特性は “200 SERIES” と同等です。
視認性の良い Sky Blue カラーが標準仕様となります。
It is a glass for stainless steel. Physical properties and corrosion resistance is equivalent to the “200 SERIES” .
Sky Blue color with good visibility is a standard specification.
耐熱衝撃用グラス(Glass for thermal shock resistance) 290 SERIES
“200 SERIES” に比べ、加熱急冷や試験値が 30℃向上しているため、高温域での使用に最適です。
視認性の良い Sky Blue カラーが標準仕様となります。
It is a glass for thermal shock resistance when used in more than 180 ℃. When compared to the “200 SERIES” , it is ideal for use in high-temperature range for rapid cooling or heating test value has been improved 30℃.
Sky Blue color with good visibility is a standard specification.
耐アルカリ用グラス(Glass for the alkali resistance) 500 SERIES
“200 SERIES” に比べ、2 倍の耐アルカリ性能を有したグラスです。これまでの “500” に比べ、耐酸性能が 30% 向上しています。
It is a glass compared to the “200 SERIES” , had a double performance of alkali resistance.
“500” compared to our past, performance has improved 30% acid. However, if you can be considered in combination with the acidic side, we recommend that you perform a sample test in advance.
注) グラス色は写真印刷のため、現物と若干異なることをご了承願います。
静電気対策用(Antistatic glass) SEF SERIES
“SEF SERIES” は “200 SERIES” と同等の耐食性を有しながら、静電気的にはほぼ導体レベルを実現しました。
静電気が発生しやすい溶剤や粉体を使用するプロセスに最適です。また、テスト条件を管理することによりピンホールテストも可能です。視認性の良い Sky Blue カラーが標準仕様となります。
“SEF SERIES” has a corrosion resistance equal to “200 SERIES” . However, in the static level was achieved almost conductor.
Ideal for processes that use solvents and powder static electricity is easily generated.
It is also possible pin hole test by controlling the test conditions.
Sky Blue color with good visibility is a standard specification.
Comparison of surface charge decay curve of “Standard GL” and “SEF”
Comparison of the charging change curve of the liquid phase due to the influence of the stirring speed of the “SEF” and the “Standard GL” .
◇ “SEF” は“200 SERIES” と比較し、初期帯電電位も1% 以下に抑制!!
When compared to “200 SERIES” , “SEF” can be reduced to less than 1% the initial charging potential!!
◇ 撹拌による帯電も抑制し、ピンホールの発生や引火・爆発の危険性を低減!!
Also suppressed by stirring charge, it is possible to reduce the risk of fire or explosion of pinholes!!
◇ 化学的・物理的性能は従来の“200 SERIES” と同等レベル!!
Chemical and physical performance levels equivalent to “200 SERIES” conventional!!
◇ 全層を導電性グラスにて施工しているため、経過時間にともなう性能低下がない!!
Due to the construction in the whole layer conductive glass, there is no performance degradation due to elapsed time!!
金属元素低溶出用グラス(Glass for low elution) Metal Ion Zero
アルカリ金属(Li, Na, K, etc.)の溶出による製品へのコンタミを抑制するグラスライニングです。
It is a glass lining to prevent the contamination to the product by the elution of the alkali metal (Li, Na, K, etc.).
It also reduces the amount of elution of various metal ions as well as the alkali metal.
It is suitable for the production field of “Raw materials for the electronic materials”, “High purity reagents”, “Raw materials for semiconductor”.
◇ グラスから溶出するNaを従来の標準グラスの約6分の1にまで軽減!
◇ Li, Kなどの1価のアルカリ金属の溶出量を大幅に低減!
◇ Caなどの2価のアルカリ土類金属の溶出量も低減!
◆ I was reduced than the conventional Total elution of the metal
element of all.
◆This reduces to 30ppb in less than elution amount over time, it is not
substantially changed then.
Comparison of the elution amount of alkali ion components of standard glass and Metal-Ion ZERO( Solvent:5wt%-Hcl, 50℃, 24hr)
◇ すべての金属元素のTotal溶出量を従来よりも低減!
◇ 時間経過にともなう溶出量も30ppb以内に低減させ、その後ほとんど変化しない!
◆ I was reduced than the conventional Total elution of the metal
element of all.
◆This reduces to 30ppb in less than elution amount over time, it is not substantially changed then.
(溶媒:5wt%-Hcl, 50℃, 24hr毎)
Comparison of the elution amount of Total Ion components of standard glass and Metal-Ion ZERO(Solvent:5wt%-Hcl, 50℃, every 24hr)